Admission The students who have completed the BSS (Honours) in International Relationsfrom University of Dhaka are generally entitled to getthe …
Rules and Regulations : BSS (Honours)
Admission In the BSS (Honours) Degree Programme in International Relations (IR), students are admitted under the Faculty of Social Sciences. …
Library and E-resources
To cater the specialized needs of the IR students and the Faculty, the Department has established a seminar library. Housed …
Financial Assistance
Chou En Lai Scholarship The scholarship is named after Chou En Lai, who served as China’s first Premier in the …
Award and Scholarship
The Department of International Relations since its inception has promoted scholarships, grants, awards and financial assistance to its students in …
Visiting Fellows and Faculties
The DUIR hosts visiting fellows and faculties time to time. Lawrence Ziring, Professor of Political Science and Director of the …
Foreign Language
The Department of International Relations in University of Dhaka currently offers two foreign languages as part of the full credit …
Computer Lab
To keep abreast with times, the Department has set up a well-equipped Computer Lab with dedicated high-speed broadband internet connections. …
Library and E-resources
To cater the specialized needs of the IR students and the Faculty, the Departmenthas established a seminar library. Housed in …
Historical Overview
From its very inception, the Department was committed to develop skilled personnel primarily for diplomatic, political and international administrative/business services. …